When it comes to divorce the big reasons for it are abuse, alcoholism, and abandonment. I would imagine that all of those are related, if you drink a lot it would relate to bad and short temper which would lead to abuse. I think abandonment would be on a class all on it's own and I think that just means that one is absent in the others life. they don't provide support or attention at all which will lead to a divorce. Those are usually common reason for divorce but the frequency of divorce has changed over the years. Prior to 1969 divorce was rather uncommon and that was mostly due to cultural norms, getting a divorce was not widely accepted. After that divorce started to increase a lot and now recently divorce has decreased but that's mostly due to people getting married less which means there are less marriages to end in divorce anyways. Not only that but divorce is so much easier to obtain then it was in the past. To my s...