When it comes to divorce the big reasons for it are abuse, alcoholism, and abandonment. I would imagine that all of those are related, if you drink a lot it would relate to bad and short temper which would lead to abuse. I think abandonment would be on a class all on it's own and I think that just means that one is absent in the others life. they don't provide support or attention at all which will lead to a divorce. Those are usually common reason for divorce but the frequency of divorce has changed over the years.
Prior to 1969 divorce was rather uncommon and that was mostly due to cultural norms, getting a divorce was not widely accepted. After that divorce started to increase a lot and now recently divorce has decreased but that's mostly due to people getting married less which means there are less marriages to end in divorce anyways. Not only that but divorce is so much easier to obtain then it was in the past. To my surprise it's easier to end a marriage then it is to end a house lease. Another surprising thing is that it only takes one person to get a divorce. That means if only one of them doesn't like the marriage the relationship can be ended and it would take 10 days for that divorce to go through. If they both want a divorce then that would take 10 days instead of 20 days. The biggest problem with such a short time is that people in a marriage that are having troubles think that it can just be over with if they get a divorce but studies have shown when people are asked about their divorce that 70% of Americans two years after their divorce say that they could have and should have saved their marriage. If they just would have stuck together in the hard time not only would they have been better off but they also would have come out of it stronger. So the solution to that is if the policy was to wait 6 months in order for a divorce to go through a lot of people could solve some of their problems and have time to reflect on what they are doing. I think we would find that a lot of marriages would remain together if the arability to get a divorce was more strict.
When people get a divorce that means the quality of living has decreased for the both of them, they can't have the nice things they had. Men have to pay their old wife money if they have children in order to support them, which when given this next fact is pretty interesting. The fact is that women are more likely to go for a divorce then men are. Men are less likely to want a divorce and yet they are the one's that have to pay for it. I'm sure that's a political topic so I won't get into that that anymore. But there is hope for those who want to have a long lasting marriage and there are two methods in order to increase your chances. First is to date for at least a year, ideally two before you get married and then next one is the fact that only 24% of first marriages end in a divorce. We usually hear that 50% of marriages end in a divorce but in reality it's half that. So if you're looking to get marriage just know that it's not going to be easy, you're going to have problems and divorce will almost never be the right answer. Work on your problems together and you will come out stronger then before and have a happier marriage instead of a really sucky divorce that is not only expensive but also really bad for the kids because kids need consistency in their lives.
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