Engagement and Wedding
This week in class we talked about the 3rd and 4th step in the model to marriage. The entire process consists of dating, courtship, engagement, and the marriage. In my previous post I talked about the first two and in this blog I will talk about the second two! I'll give a quick summary of my last post. In order to get to theses last steps you have to go through courtship which is being exclusive with someone. In order to help you get to that stage you need to date instead of hanging out with people. The reasons for that is because when you are just hanging out with people you have to something special to get someone's attention. When you go on a date you no longer have to compete for people's attention because you are going out on a date with someone specific. One of the things I would recommend is still go to those hangouts but you go with someone specific so it's more of a date. When I first heard that engagement was ...