
Showing posts from October, 2020

Engagement and Wedding

      This week in class we talked about the 3rd and 4th step in the model to marriage. The entire process consists of dating, courtship, engagement, and the  marriage. In my previous post I talked about the first two and in this blog I will talk about the second two! I'll give a quick summary of my last post. In order to get to theses last steps you have to go through courtship which is being exclusive with someone. In order to help you get to that stage you need to date instead of hanging out with people. The reasons for that is because when you are just hanging out with people you have to something special to get someone's attention. When you go on a date you no longer have to compete for people's attention because you are going out on a date with someone specific.     One of the things I would recommend is still go to those hangouts but you go with someone specific so it's more of a date.      When I first heard that  engagement was ...


    So this week we had a very interesting topic of discussion. Dating! Dating is a pretty fun and interesting topic to talk about, especially when you're going on one. Yet mindset right there is missing from todays society. Simply stated people don't go on dates as much as they use to and that's become a societal and cultural trend recently. So for people who like the idea of getting out there and dating and going on dates, that is unfortunately not much of a thing these days. I'll tell you some of the reasons why that is.          For starters I need to distinguish the definition of dating and courtship. So the natural progression to getting married is first dating then courtship then engagement and finally marriage. The difference between dating and courtship is actually quite distinct. Put simply dating is going on dates with a wide variety of people doing a wide variety of activities. Courtship is the more of a traditional idea of what we have whe...

Mutual Fund Recommendation

    In my Economics class I was asked to look at different index funds to see what would be the best to invest in after doing some research. The reason why people should do this is because index funds are a much safer bet when it comes to your future. Playing the market and actively managed mutual funds can yield some rewards occasionally but in the long run putting your money towards index funds is safer and smarter. So with that introduction let's take a look at what I found.     Besides vanguard 500 mutual fund I also found Fidelity Select Consumer Staples Portfolio (FDFAX). There is 56 holdings as of 9/30/2020 and the top 10 holdings for this mutual fund are big companies like Pepsi, Coca Cola, Walmart, Costco, etc. These are all big company names that I know many enjoy their goods and services. So saying that I would think that these businesses aren't going to go out of business any time soon and that the demand for their goods and services won't go away in...

Gender Difference

      This week in class we discussed gender differences and same sex attractions. Both of these topics were very interesting to discuss and learn more about. For the gendered differences discussion we talked about how our culture has drilled into our heads that both girl and boy, male and female, man and woman are all created equal and that we are all the same. Yet that assumption and cultural idea are flawed in many ways. For starters and we are simply not the same at all, if fact I would say there are little to no similarities between male and females. There's not just the obvious biological differences with how our bodies look but there is also differences with our brains, attitudes, abilities, etc. The reasons why society tries to push us onto the idea that we are all the same primarily came from the feminist movement trying to be treated equal to men in all areas of life. Now I am not against that movement or would say that their is cause is a vain cause since I bel...

Family Culture

      Every family has their own culture and each culture has it's own functions. One of the questions I am asked to ponder is if one culture is more functional and effective than another culture. At first I thought  "well of course, some family cultures could be abusive and another more supportive and loving", but it's not that cut and dry. I've noticed people are okay with the culture they are born in, regardless of what culture they are raised in(in most cases). The reason for this know nothing else, you can't miss something you never had. The culture is made from the parents and those families are as functional and effective and they are raised to believe it is.       A simple example for this is the way certain families show their love. Some Families show affection with kissing and hugging and saying I love you and other families aren't into physical closeness and just know that the family loves one another. One family would be okay with sitt...

Roles in Family

     This week I learned about the theories of family relations. Those theories include the exchange theory, systems theory, conflict theory, and symbolic interaction theory. We looked at those theories and we applied it to the family, I'll provide a brief description of what each was about.  Exchange Theory: We stay in relationships when we get out as much as we put into it. Systems theory: There are rules and roles people take (spoken or unspoken) and we take different roles around different people. Conflict Theory: There is a limited supply of resources which can cause conflict. Conflict can be good and bring additional information Symbolic Interaction Theory: Behaviors affect our experience, we are influenced by each other. Our actions are symbolic of something in other people’s eyes. What someone sees as controlling the other sees themselves as being nice.      So all of those theories play a role in how family relations are sustain...