
    So this week we had a very interesting topic of discussion. Dating! Dating is a pretty fun and interesting topic to talk about, especially when you're going on one. Yet mindset right there is missing from todays society. Simply stated people don't go on dates as much as they use to and that's become a societal and cultural trend recently. So for people who like the idea of getting out there and dating and going on dates, that is unfortunately not much of a thing these days. I'll tell you some of the reasons why that is.
    For starters I need to distinguish the definition of dating and courtship. So the natural progression to getting married is first dating then courtship then engagement and finally marriage. The difference between dating and courtship is actually quite distinct. Put simply dating is going on dates with a wide variety of people doing a wide variety of activities. Courtship is the more of a traditional idea of what we have when we think of the word dating. It means that you are exclusive with a singular person, so boyfriend and girlfriend, and what we are missing from today's culture is the first step. Nobody goes on dates anymore. Now the reasons for this trend vary from person to person. Some might fear being rejected other's might have misconceived notions about what a date is. People can, and often do, think of a date as courtship instead of dating. Which does makes sense. You would usually want to go on a date with a person that you have an interest in, but going on a date shouldn't mean that you are now committed to that person or that you are now boyfriend or girlfriend. If that's a little confusing I can understand that. You might be thinking, well if you're going on a date then you're dating right? Well one way to frame this better is thinking of a double date. Going on a double date is definitely less of a committed feeling because it isn't a one on one situation. You have two other people that you are doing an activity with. so that's a big example of what dating should be. Yet that right there is exactly what is happening less and less in our culture. If fact it seems very outlandish to many people, and the only people I know that find that somewhat normal is members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Being a member of this Church myself I can tell you that in my youth this is a big part of our culture. That you shouldn't exclusively dates and you should go on double dates with many people. 

    My experience with dating has been really fun. I've went on several dates with several girls and they were all very fun. They were all double or triple dates and it was activities ranging from roller skating and watching a movie and having dinner to playing board games and doing a scavenger hunt. There was no stress about having an exclusive relationship or anything. All we did was ask one another out and get a group of friend and went and did an activity and they we're all so fun. I think everyone should go on dates like I described, just find someone you think you'll have a fun time with and do an activity together along with others. It doesn't mean you are now committed to that person, it's simply just a good time(if it's a good date, which isn't always the case).

      My teacher said that those are opportunities to "be a better person". They give you experience to know what kind of qualities you like in a person and allow you to be the kind of person you would want to marry. People shouldn't just expend to find "the one" by just hoping they'll land right in front of you some day, some are focused on the end result (marriage) and not the journey. Going on dates with a variety of people allow you to find "the one", if you're super picky about who you go on dates with, odds are you aren't going to not  find "the one" because truthfully no one is perfect and if you're waiting on that you might as well be waiting forever. 

    Just go on dates with other people. They're fun! and if you don't want to call it a date call it a group hangout where you go with a specific person. Change the culture we're currently in so that people meet more people, and simply just have more fun and learn more things. 


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