Gender Difference
This week in class we discussed gender differences and same sex attractions. Both of these topics were very interesting to discuss and learn more about. For the gendered differences discussion we talked about how our culture has drilled into our heads that both girl and boy, male and female, man and woman are all created equal and that we are all the same. Yet that assumption and cultural idea are flawed in many ways. For starters and we are simply not the same at all, if fact I would say there are little to no similarities between male and females. There's not just the obvious biological differences with how our bodies look but there is also differences with our brains, attitudes, abilities, etc. The reasons why society tries to push us onto the idea that we are all the same primarily came from the feminist movement trying to be treated equal to men in all areas of life. Now I am not against that movement or would say that their is cause is a vain cause since I believe men and women are created differently and not equal.
Here's what I believe. Men and women are different. Those differences are good, they are complementary. I believe the main purpose of the feminist movement is to give women equal opportunity not make them the same as men.
Females are shown to be more cooperative, relationship oriented, able to be aware on many things at the same time, nurturing, and communicative. Males end to be more aggressive, spatial, myopic, protective, and active. These characteristics can be seen at a very young age with had children act when around other kids to and the toys they play with. Some might think that is due to how society pushes kids to certain things like boys towards trucks and girls toward dolls. When further studied we find that kids naturally go to the toys associated with there sex regardless if parents treat them equally despite their gender. What I mean is that there was a study conducted where parents made sure they didn't treat their kids differently depending on their gender, and yet when those kids were presented with different toy like trucks, action figures, dolls, etc. They still picked the toys that we tend to associate with that gender interestingly enough. That can show that it's not culture that makes us different, but that it's probably just who we are. That there is just differences between male and female and it's not a cultural device made by society.
There is also the idea that, why would be want to be equal? Again having equal opportunity is what I believe feminism is striving for, and I agree with that. What I'm saying is that we should not want to be all the same, differences in society are good and those differences are complimentary. For example in a family, having both a mother and a father and both of their strengths and their weaknesses filled by the other's strengths is truly ideal. If everyone was really the same, like some people might think, then there wouldn't be much point for relationships or having multiple parents. Studies show time and time again that having two parents is a lot better for child development and that's because each parents contributes. They both bring something unique, and if they didn't then studies would show that there would be no difference in kids with two parents compared to one.
I just want to reiterate I'm not against feminism, I know there is value and truth and purpose to what they are striving for. I agree with them, not extremists of them, but some of their basic principals. I believe men and women have complimentary roles on life and that those differences are good.
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