
Showing posts from November, 2020


          This week in class we talked about the importance of the father mainly, but also to the mother. We focused on Father's this week in class because in past and today's culture father's have been thought to not be as important as mother's in child rearing. There's the quote "a women needs a man like a fish needs a bike". Now I'm not here to debate if a women needs a man to survive on her own, because I'm sure many women are capable of that. I'm here to talk about the importance and influence of a father on children. For starters I'll retell a story that has the message of specialization in a marriage with kids.            Most houses have two incomes in order to be financially sound's but there is a downside to it. There was a study done in he 80's or 90's that looked at couples who had 2 disposable incomes AND have children. So for this story this household has two disposable incomes, so let's say the Dad is makin...


       In most romantic relationships communication can be improved. That's what most couple sees as the problem and they think "if we were just better at communicating things would be better", and for the most part that is completely true. Being able to communicate your thoughts and feelings to your partner is a very powerful tool you can use to improve your relationship and keep it strong. It allows you to almost always be on the same page and leaves out the chance of the other misinterpreting what you are saying or doing. Plus if you are a good communicator it's not only going to help you in your romantic relationship but also all other relationships in your life. What I think personally, if you are good at communicating and you listen to others in the work place you are going to be promoted fast and be very successful in the work place. If you are somewhat competent in your job and you are able to the listen and express empathy and communicate well to others that...

Stress Effects on the Family

      It's today's culture stress is viewed as something undesirable and unwanted in one's own life and especially in one's own relationships. People might think that having no stress in their lives would be better, but the truth is that some stress is actually beneficial. There is a inverted "U" distribution  relationship with stress benefits, what that means is up till a certain point stress is actually beneficial and can improve performance but if stress exceeds that threshold it can actually negate our performance. Some examples of this in the real world is studying for a test or doing homework last minute. If it weren't for stress then we wouldn't be motivated to complete those tasks or in sports if we weren't a little stressed out then we wouldn't be as motivated. So some stress in our lives are a good thing, but obviously there a point where that stress becomes detrimental. But we are more interested stress and it's effects on a fami...

Sexual intimacy

     This week in class we talked about sexual intimacy between a married couple. For me personally I wasn't raised to be comfortable with talking about sex openly, but at the very least I am mature enough to handle talking about sex. Funny story about, I never had the talk about the birds and the bees, I just kind of figured it out by myself. Anyways back to what we talked about in class. I'll talk about the biology of it that I found interesting and how sex should be used in a marriage.     So first interesting thing that I remember in class was the question "what is the biggest sex organ you have?" The correct answer is your brain, that's where you feel  pleasure and all that jazz. It was a little awkward when that question wasn't answered straight off that bat because you'd probably think of other things. Next interesting thing I learned is that men's sex drive peaks at the age 18 and women's sex drive peaks around age 30-35. That was pretty sh...