This week in class we talked about the importance of the father mainly, but also to the mother. We focused on Father's this week in class because in past and today's culture father's have been thought to not be as important as mother's in child rearing. There's the quote "a women needs a man like a fish needs a bike". Now I'm not here to debate if a women needs a man to survive on her own, because I'm sure many women are capable of that. I'm here to talk about the importance and influence of a father on children. For starters I'll retell a story that has the message of specialization in a marriage with kids. Most houses have two incomes in order to be financially sound's but there is a downside to it. There was a study done in he 80's or 90's that looked at couples who had 2 disposable incomes AND have children. So for this story this household has two disposable incomes, so let's say the Dad is makin...